Wayzata World Factbook 1996
The World Factbook - 1996 Edition - Wayzata Technology (3079) (1996).iso
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207 lines
December 1994
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Testing Requirements for Entry into Foreign Countries
An increasing number of countries require that foreigners be tested
for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prior to entry. This is
particularly true for students or long-term visitors. The following
list of country requirements is based on information available as of
November 1994 and is subject to change. Before traveling abroad, check
with the embassy of the country to be visited to learn entry
requirements and specifically whether or not AIDS testing is a
requirement. If the list indicates U.S. test results are acceptable
"under certain conditions" in a particular country, prospective
travelers should inquire at the embassy of that country for details
(i.e., which laboratories in the United States may perform tests and
where to have results certified and authenticated) before departing the
United States.
Country Test Required For U.S. Test Accepted?
Australia All applicants for permanent Yes*
residence age 15 and over. All
other applicants who require
medical examinations are tested
if it is indicated on clinical
Bahrain Foreign workers in certain No, testing performed
job categories, i.e. hotel on arrival
staff, hair dressers, etc.
Belize All applicants for residency Yes*
British Virgin Anyone staying more than 6 Yes
Islands months and applicants for
work permits
Bulgaria May be required for any No
foreigner staying longer than one
month for purposes of study
or work and all intending immigrants
China, People's Those staying more than 6 Yes, under certain
Republic of months conditions*
Colombia Anyone suspected of being HIV N/A
positive will not be admitted
Cuba All foreigners, excluding No
diplomats, staying 90 days
or longer
Cyprus All foreigners working or No
Dominican Republic Foreigners seeking No
Egypt All foreigners staying for Yes, under certain
more than 30 days conditions*
El Salvador All applicants for permanent No
residency over 18 years
Estonia Foreigners seeking Yes, under certain
residency or work permits conditions*
Germany, Federal Applicants for residence No
Republic of permits staying over 180 days
(Bavaria only) in Bavaria
Greece Woman intending to work Yes, under certain
in entertainment centers conditions*
Hungary Anyone staying over 1 year, Yes, under certain
and all intending immigrants conditions*
(some employers may
require workers to be tested)
India All students over 18, anyone Test must be taken
between the ages of 18 and within 30 days of
70 with a visa valid for one arrival*
year or more and anyone
extending a stay to a year or
more, excluding accredited
journalists and those
working in foreign missions
Iraq Anyone staying over 5 days Yes, under certain
(Failure to have the test conditions* (To avoid
done will result in a fine up to $330 fee have test
$1600.) done in the U.S.
before departing.)
Kazakhstan Workers and students staying Yes, under certain
over 3 months and anyone conditions*
seeking residency
Korea Foreigners working as enter- Yes
tainers staying over 90 days
and foreign athletes who are
members of Korean teams
Kuwait Those planning to obtain No
residence permits
Lebanon Those planning to live or No*
Libya Those seeking residence Yes
permits, excluding official
Lithuania Applicants for permanent Yes, under certain
residence permits conditions*
Malaysia Foreigners seeking work Yes, under certain
permits conditions*
Marshall Islands, Temporary visitors staying Yes, under certain
Republic of the more than 30 days, and conditions*
applicants for residence permits
Mauritius Foreigners planning to work Yes, under certain
or seek permanent residence conditions*
Mexico Applicants for permanent Yes, under certain
residence visas conditions*
Micronesia Anyone staying over 90 days Yes
States of)
Montserrat University students and appli- Yes, under certain
cants for work and residency conditions*
Oman Those newly-employed by No
private sector companies and
upon renewal of work permit
Papua Anyone planning to work Yes
New Guinea or seeking residency
Paraguay Applicants for temporary Yes, under certain
or permanent resident status conditions*
Philippines Applicants for permanent Yes
resident visas
Russia All foreign visitors (pending No*
Saudi Arabia Applicants for residency/work Yes
St. Kitts and Nevis
Students, intending immigrants Yes, under certain
and those seeking employment conditions*
Singapore Workers who earn less than No
$945 per month
Syria Those seeking residency and No
anyone wishing to marry a Syrian
national in Syria
Taiwan Applicants for residence and work Yes, under certain
permits (may also be required for conditions*
those extending visitor visas)
Turks and Caicos Islands
Foreign workers (testing is No
part of medical exam that is
required for work permits)
United Arab Applicants for work or No, testing preformed
Emirates residence permits on arrival
Ukraine Anyone staying longer than Yes, under certain
3 months conditions*
*Check with the embassy or representative office in Washington, D.C. for
detailed requirements.
Prepared by the Bureau of Consular Affairs
Public Affairs and Policy Coordination Staff
December 1994